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Conceptual Art Solution for your Home and Business

Maria Shevchenko Gallery Contemporary art Collection


What turns a house into home? What is the secret of ultimate cosiness? What creates the comfort for your eyes and feeling of the perfectness? The ART.

Being a collector or just having a remarkable piece of art at your home, means coding the message to the people in the know.

Painting on the wall transfers not only your financial stability, but also refers to your educational background, environment and aesthetic taste. Reveals
your values. Creates the unique, memorable experience for you and your guests alike.


How to make your real estate development stand out of the crowd? Glass, concrete and metal are basically the same everywhere.

Eyecatching architecture? Undoubtedly. Hi-end interior desing? Sure.

But how to lure a customer to spend extra? To add the value. Of the Art.

When we travel we pay homage to the culture. We soak up the energy and inspiration of the Art from museums and public spaces. The same we want our children to do. We want their eye to be trained for the beauty and their brain to function outside the box.

So, bring this inspiration to your home. Or the one you develop and sell. With an added value of the Art integrated in everyday life.

Beauty, inspiration and investment. All in one.

Monumental Art Public Art Maria Shevchenko Gallery Contemporary art Collection
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Public Art Maria Shevchenko Gallery Contemporary art Collection


Understanding the necessity of public art and integration into the global art market are the first steps for the country to change the social rank and gain the status.

The "right" art for the people in the know is the golden key to the door of international recognition and cultural attractiveness of the country or the city.

Fully developed art market generates a high qulity of tourism. Inbound visitors attracted to cultural events have been shown to spend up to 10 times as much as visitors for sporting events.

Public art, art fairs, cultural programs and events have a wide social-economic impact. A strong artistic infrastructure attracts skilled workers to an economy creating a "brain gain" effect and making region more attractive to investments and business.

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